Saturday, January 28, 2012

A couple a Shots!

Hey all,

Been crazy busy, so just a couple of snaps.
Plenty happening for the new year.
Enjoy a couple of experimental shots, kinda funky, kinda same same but different!
Let me know if you would like any,
One day I'll finish off the website, who knows maybe it'll be soon! lol.

Play Fair out there!
(Just click on the pics to enlarge, there all low res.)
The Big Gecko Gauge!

Early Noosa!

Geoff Breen   aka Rubber man!!

So good had to put it in

Gecko again!

and again!


Nice Style!

Walking the Plank on a 7"10 Sup!  Ridiculous!

I'm sure there's glue on those feet?

Speed Turn!

Tully on the nose!


So all shots copyright Mark Bialek 2012.
All in super low res for easy loading...
Take care
Mark Bialek
P.s Anti Sup stickers are for small minded people with little uno whats!  lol.
Life's  too short, just enjoy the ocean on everything and anything!!
Have a great next session!
C ya out there!